Campaign »Sixty & Twelve« for the Porcelain Manufacturer Rosenthal [60th Anniversary of Rosenthal]

As part of our culture, design is in a constant state of change. This evolution is driven by shifts in the zeitgeist and can be traced through the styles and expressions of past eras. With this perspective, design invites us to embark on a cultural journey through time.
Rosenthal, the porcelain manufacturer, embraced this approach to develop a product series celebrating a campaign marking the company’s 60th anniversary. Each of the past 60 years was represented by a vase, which was produced in 12 different colors using a novel technique—firing colored porcelain.
The briefing included a folder of isolated images, the press release text and a carte blanche for designing the campaign, which was to feature a brochure and a fold-out poster as the primary media.
For each vase, an icon was created and a unique typeface was developed for each year, in collaboration with Cihan Tamti. To convey the sequential nature of the assembled yet diverse vases, a clear layout and a color register placed in the brochure‘s spine were used to display an overview of the 12 colors.
Given the strength of the product idea, I chose a highly structured approach, focusing on design serving clear functions. This philosophy—»I don‘t need to invent anything; it‘s enough if the design reflects the product idea«—also inspired the campaign name: Sixty (vases) & Twelve (colors).
The infographic on the double-page spread reflects my process of conceptualizing the visual elements for the campaign. From the outside in, towards the center from which the result emerges. This represents both the goal of designing this anniversary brochure and the result itself: the brochure.
Standing in the center, you can look in »Four Directions« and zoom between »Three Stages of Progress«: »Execution« contains the visible result of my work [TYPEFACES, ICONS, COLORS, AND TYPOGRAPHY], »Potential« defines the area of interpretation where ideas focus on shifting perspectives, and finally »Substance« includes all content, the starting point of the project.

. Text and Images: Rosenthal
. Type Design Collaboration: Cihan Tamti
. Shoot Case: Thomas Stephan
. Shoot Store: Axel Gundermann
. Naming
. Editorial Design
. Font Design
. Icons and Infografic
. Keyvisual

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